
Since we got married we have been creating a new life together revolving around our church calling, school, and trying to make friends with other married couples (that part is harder than it looks). We'll try to update our blog often with any fun news!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Don't Be Trashy!

Bryan is in a Business class where  he was elected CEO of his company consisting of 16 classmates. They created their own business called "Rexcycle" where they will be taking out the recycables for single womens' housing complexes.

Each apartment (six girls) pays $40 per semester for Rexcycle to take away their recycables. Bryan's company have a projected $21,000 in revenues with over $14,000 in profits!

He already has a lot of busy days and nights since he is the final decision maker, but it's also saying a lot that everyone trusts him to be the CEO to determine the final future of Rexcycle!

 Here is their fun website with the slogan, "Don't Be Trashy!"   http://www.rexcycle.com/

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